Lenten forms 1

This is the first of the 16"x16" lenten forms quilts that I finished. Finally decided it was done and fused the backing and signed it this week. The unfinished top was a favorite with my family, so I was worried I'd mess it up .... but I finally dove in, and love the outcome.

Picking good thread colors is tricky. The gold thread looked like a great color, but I ended up having to seam rip it all out and redo it with a bolder yellow. Well worth it in the end (but could have been even bolder). The low volume white fabric on the edges is very subtle, with light gray crosses, just enough texture to add interest without getting in the way.
subtle thread variations around the droplets makes for interesting close-up viewing

early morning photo shoot for the win!

The matchstick quilting on the white edges allows the subtle gray X marks to show up just a little. In the end, my stitching was fairly conservative, but I like how the piece worked out.It has a rusty, water, minimal infrastructure influence that I enjoy.

"Infrastructure 1"
See all six Lenten Forms 2016 in the Lenten Forms 1-6 post.


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