
Wisdom: AACRC Fall 2011: In working toward a design for this installation, we the members of the Worship and Art interim class considered the passages of Proverbs 8 and Ecclesiastes 3.
There were many images that came to mind as a result of these passages. As a group, certain things stood out–one of them was the perception of Lady Wisdom who predominantly figured in our corporate minds in white flowing garb which has led to the back drop of white that you see in this piece.
We also looked at the description in Proverbs 8 of Wisdom’s presence everywhere–in the city and in nature as well as at home.
The depiction of a colorful globe represents this inclusiveness and the beauty of life with Wisdom in the times of abundance and the times of need.
Finally, the door way is the reminder that Wisdom is waiting at the door for our response and gives a sense of the security of being at home there.


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